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关于我们   领先的教育资讯平台‘慧育在线’所与中华人民共和国教育部主管;中国教育科学研究院主办的《教育文摘周报》旗下官方网站‘教育与法www.jywzzb.cn共建单位。本网立足于校园文化、教师文学、学生文选等综合教育资讯整合,设立慧育头条、校园之友、慧育文选、社会与法、校园风采、优师文学、参考消息、文化妙谈等栏目全面服务于教育,对学校、教师、学生提供了立体式交流展示平台,更好有助文化传承,提高文学知识基础!



        The leading education information platform "Huiyu online" and the director of the Ministry of education of the people's Republic of China; the official website "education and law www.jywzzb.cn" of Education Digest weekly, sponsored by China Academy of Education Sciences. Based on the integration of campus culture, teachers' literature, students' literary selections and other comprehensive education information, the network has set up columns such as intelligent education headlines, friends of campus, intelligent education literary selections, society and law, campus style, excellent teacher literature, reference information, cultural talks and so on to serve education in an all-round way, providing a three-dimensional communication and display platform for schools, teachers and students, so as to better help cultural heritage and improve literature Knowledge base!

        In order to share literature resources and enrich website service content, Huiyu online welcomes literature lovers from all walks of life to participate!

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